Friday, June 22, 2007


NO! NO! NO! This post is not going to talk at all about the end of the world or anything like that. I just would like to share with people that my training here at Fort Gordon, GA is FINALLY DONE!, YES!!! IT IS DONE!!!!
Today was my last day of class here at Fort Gordon. Next week, Lord willing, I will be going to my final field training and then graduating from Fort Gordon on July 3rd.
I am so much looking forward to go back to California and be involve in the events back at my church home, school, and with my family (parents and sister).
Lord willing, I might be going back to teaching at our school (more information on that probably later).
Praise the Lord, I was able to do well during all this training and now continue on the rest of the road that He, God, may have for me back in California. Thanks to all of you that were praying for me during all this time that I was in training.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


In I Corinthians 3:11-15 we read about a serious subject for believers to consider.
When a Christian sins and gives that sin a place of shelter, fellowship with God is broken, salvation's joy is lost, chastisement is given an open invitation and loss of reward is inevitable.
Out of fellowship means out of service, and out of service means that one is failing to lay up treasure in heaven. At that point, one is building with "wood, hay and stubble" which cannot endure the test of the Rewarding Day.
The Holy Spirit assures us that a foundation has already been laid, none other that the Rock, Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18). The laying of this foundation, by the hand of divine wisdom (1:18-31), need never be repeated. It is laid as deep as the grave (15:3-5) and is as stable as the Eternal Throne (Hebrews 1:8).
We are saved, safe, secure, resting on our Rock, Jesus Christ. This security, however, in no way gives us license to live as we please (Colossians 1:9-10). The Lord will one day judge the believer's works (II Corinthians 5:10) and will determine the rewards we will receive at His hand.
What happens if we sin, embrace it and live, for a time, in carnality? God's answer is the Judgment Seat of Christ. The day of reckoning is coming for all believers--a day of reward or loss of reward.
And so, a warning comes to all-- "take heed" (v. 10) and always meditate on "Be ye also patient: stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh"(I Peter 5:8). We must build with the proper material, that which is lasting and of great value ("gold, silver, precious stones," v. 12). Faithful service motivated by the desire to glorify God will abide and be rewarded (4:2, 5), but works performed in the flesh will cause the suffering of loss. Out of fellowship means out of service, and out of service means loss of reward (I John 2:28).